among the pioneer business men of Albion who are yet living, is Alexander
Stewart, who was born December 7th, 1805, in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland.
His father, also Alexander by name, was a physician. His mother's maiden
name was Mary McLaughlin. They came to America in 1818, reaching Carmi,
White county, Christmas day of that year. They first located in Burnt
Prairie. In the family were nine children David, James, Henry, John and
Alexander, being the sons; and Jesse, Christina, Martha and Mary, the
daughters. To them was born William in this country. Part of the family
remained in Scotland with their grandfather until 1824, when they too came
thither. The family took up their residence in Albion in 1827, where
Alexander Stewart, Sr., died May 5th, 1865, aged 87 years. During the last
eight years of his life he was blind. The subject of this sketch, whose
portrait is shown above, followed farming until he reached his majority,
when he commenced blacksmithing, which he prosecuted vigorously for sixteen
years, when, his health giving way, he entered upon his career as a
merchant. In this vocation he, by energy and straightforwardness, compelled
success. He was married to Sarah Miller, daughter of James Miller, a farmer
of White county, January 19th, 1825. She died April 20th, 1853. He was
married to his present wife, Emma A. Senseman, April 23, 1856. She is the
daughter of John H. and Elizabeth Senseman, natives of North Carolina,
whence they came here, via New York. Mr. Stewart has led an active, busy
life. He is a man of superior business qualifications, of unquestioned
integrity of character, and has won the esteem of all associates.
Extracted 12 Aug 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 A Combined History of Edwards, Lawrence, and Wabash Counties, Illinois, page 223.