Biography - THOMAS GILL
Gill was born in Edwards county, January 3, 1826. His parents, Thomas and
Mary Gill, whose maiden name was May, were both natives of England, and were
among the pioneers of this county, having located here in 1818. The family
consisted of eight children, equally divided as to sex. Thomas Gill was the
second of the sons in the order of birth. Farmers' sons in the early days of
Edwards county had but little opportunity for acquiring an education; this
was the lot of Thomas. However, he being possessed of natural ability of a
high order, made the best of his chances, and obtained a fair knowledge of
books. He has always pursued farming as a vocation. He was united in
marriage to Eliza Gillard, May 16, 1849. By her he had eight children,
namely: Madaline, died November 3, 1876; Bradford J., died September 21,
1876; Hannah, now the wife of Albert Stafford; Franklin, Mary E., Jethro and
two that died in infancy. Mrs. Gill died October 1, 1874. He was married to
his present wife, Hannah M., daughter of William and Hannah Stanhope, from
Linconshire, England, February 6, 1876. The Stanhopes came to this county in
1833. Mr. Gill is a member of the Grange, of the Masonic order and of the
Christian church.
Extracted 12 Aug 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 A Combined History of Edwards, Lawrence, and Wabash Counties, Illinois, page 274.