Eliza Julia Flower, relict of the late George Flower. Among the pioneers of
Edwards county, no one is held in dearer esteem, because of excellent
qualities of head and heart, than Mrs. George Flower. In connection with her
husband's sketch on the preceding pages, is a brief presentation of her
leading characteristics. Her maiden name was Eliza Julia Andrews. She was
the second daughter of the Rev. Mordecai Andrews, of Eigeshall, Essex
county, England. There existed a strong friendship between Miss Andrews and
the family of Birkbeck, and she being on a visit to Wanborough when Mr.
Birkbeck decided on coming to America, concluded to accompany them, and
under their protection share the adventures of the New World. They arrived
from England, and landed in Richmond, Virginia, in 1817, she being at the
time twenty-five years of age. The long horseback journey from thence to
Vincennes, Indiana, was made by her in company with others. When others grew
despondent she was cheerful. Ever buoyant in her disposition, the
discouragements incident to such journeys never affected her. After reaching
Vincennes she became the wife of George Flower, to whom she was married at
the residence of Colonel La Salle in 1818. The same year found her residing
in Edwards county, where she lived for forty-one years. Although all her
surroundings were so different from those to which she had been in earlier
life accustomed, she maintained her light-heartedness, and to her, more than
to any other, is due the reputation acquired by Park Hall for its
hospitality. In 1844 the family moved to New Harmony, Indiana, and in 1860
to Mt. Vernon, same State. In 1862 she and her husband were visiting a
daughter, Mrs. Agniel, of Grayville, when on the 15th of January they both
died. She upon the dawning of the morning, and he in twilight's hour. (See
sketch of George Flower.)
Extracted 12 Aug 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 A Combined History of Edwards, Lawrence, and Wabash Counties, Illinois, page 214-A.